We are proud to announce our participation to the Lab #2 Web-Act at the Fabrique Autonome des Acteurs from August 20th to 28th, in collaboration with Daniel Pinheiro, Francesca Sarah Toich and Andrea Santini of UBIK Teatro as well as Daria Lippi and Juliette Salmon from FAA.
During this time of experimentation, we will explore telepresence as a scenic and dramaturgical tool. The use of digital in the scenice arts as “telepresence” tool is both a fashion, a must and an actual debate: does telepresence annihilate the conditions necessary to the theatre? What is the reality of interaction, sine qua non conditition of the performing arts, in the digital world? This being said, the possibilities presented by the digital, and especially those that partially allow to overcome the difficulties of long distance, bring us to face these questions with the goal of developing an actor’s practice in a virtual reality. How to connect the stage and the digital reality so that actors can articulate themselves in a practice of creation? This lab will show whether there could be an interest for the performing arts to seize telepresence: what are its advantages, its stakes, but also its dangers and points of loss?
Web-act will experiment different formats of long-distance scenic performance, using a number of “stages” featured in Bataville, ghost town of the former Bata industries that surround the Fabrique Autonome des Acteurs. It is both a theoretical and practical experimentation, leading to transmissible work tools and protocols as well as to one or verious publications.